I popped on 2nov 2010 (Tuesday) at 2plus am. Natural birth with forceps without epidural. Labour was 2hrs. Seems like this bb likes the number 2! Haha he came out at 36+weeks. 3.065kg, head circumference 33cm and length 49cm. Original due date was 25 nov instead of 20 nov as previously thought to be.
My birth story:
Felt extra tired on 1 nov. That night at 11.30pm, watery discharge with tint of blood, stomach alittle crampy. Called gynae who ask me to monitor til midnight. Tummy became harder when contractions came at more frequent intervals. Lower back started aching. More blood from discharge. Called gynae again at midnight to update him on progress. Was told to go and admit into hospital immediately. Admitted myself around 12.30am, strolled into labour ward myself cos didn't want to sit on wheelchair, got changed into robe. Chit chat with nurse. Found out nurse birthdate also 2 nov.
She checked my dilation and was surprised that I was 7cm dilated. I'm also surprised! Nurse quickly called gynae. She asked if water bag burst I said no dun think so. Then in next few mins, I felt gush of water flowing out. Water bag burst on it's own. Contractions came fast and furious! Asked for the painkiller injection at the thighs. After gynae came, in the next few mins or so, my urge to push came very very strong and
the pain was indescribable. Pushed and pushed but bb couldn't come out as he was facing upwards, Gynae used forceps to help get him out. After short while as he pulled and I pushed,bb no 2 emerge! He was a little blue in the face but otherwise looks fine and chubby!
After nurse cleaned him up, he cried and cried until the
nurse brought him to me and I told him dun cry and
immediately he quiet down.
My wound is long til anus I guess and contraction of
womb still coming.