Friday, October 22, 2010

Nasty fall

It was the first day of the week and being 35weeks pregnant, I had a nasty fall at home. I didn't noticed that wati had mopped the floor in the living room.
She rushed over when she heard me crashed onto the floor. It was truly a blessing that I fell on my butt and my right leg cushioned my fall. Baby #2 is alright,but my right foot below the ankle area was swollen and bruised. I must had pulled a vein there.
Wati kneeled down and apologized to me. I told her it's not her fault. I had to be much more careful next time.
And today it has been 5 days since my fall and my foot only hurts slightly, thanks to Hb that helped to massage it religiously every night. My bum seems to recover from the fall already. Thank goodness Bb#2 is ok.

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